The College of Nursing has MOU’s with international universities to promote scientific advancement and cultural sensitivity among students and faculty through exchange programs and collaborations.
Kansas University Medical Centre (KUMC)
The Modale Fellowship Program offered by KUMC selects fellows at Christian Medical College in Vellore, India, annually to go to KU Medical Centre to conduct fully funded research. Students from KUMC receive opportunity to visit specific departments of interest at CMC.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
College of Nursing work together with John Hopkins University to create opportunities for research, collaboration, joint organization of scientific and cultural events, interchange of information and to seek possibilities of faculty and graduated student exchange.
Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea
MOU with Yonsei University allows bilateral student and faculty exchange and joint research activities
School of Nursing, Indiana University
Provides avenues to facilitate virtual student exchange programs focussed on Global diseases and Faculty scholarship collaboration.
University of South Wales
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore works with the University of South Whales to identify areas of collaboration in Teaching, Learning, Research and Knowledge transfer which are mutually beneficial to both parties.
Department of Public Health and Family Welfare, Government of Madhya Pradesh
The College offers a comprehensive training program for the nurses of government hospitals in Madhya Pradesh in specialties of need for a period of 12 weeks to help the state strengthen the standards of nursing care in district and peripheral hospitals in the State.