Medical Surgical Nursing Specialty I

The department has various clinical areas that have multiple specializations, and the nursing staff have unique and distinct roles and responsibilities in each of the clinical areas in terms of patient care, education, research, and patient advocacy. Recently our department has been actively involved in covid care and training.

The faculty and staff are involved in education and clinical care services both in the inpatient and outpatient services

Inpatient services
- Burn Nursing
- Urology Nursing
- Endocrine Nursing
- Otorhinolaryngology Nursing
- Pulmonary/ Respiratory Nursing
- Cardiology Nursing

Outpatient services
- Asthma Education
- Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Diabetes Education
- Bronchoscopy Suite

The department actively takes part in the commemoration of significant days like World TB day, World Asthma day, World Diabetes day, World Kidney day, World hearing day., etc. by conducting various public awareness programmes, school health programmes, screening camps and organizing competitions.

The department runs the post basic diploma programme in Burn Nursing, which is a one-year certificate course. This course is designed to offer comprehensive knowledge and skills pertaining to burn care. This course is one of its kind in the country and is to be recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.
We also offer a one-year fellowship program in respiratory nursing. This course equips the nurses with advanced nursing practice skills to handle patients with respiratory disorders and diseases.

During the COVID pandemic, the department took initiative and is involved in training the nursing staff across the hospital for Nasopharyngeal swabbing in three modules.

Mrs Regina Xavier, Professor & HOU
Mrs Alice Suresh Kumar, Professor
Mrs Jabin Khaja, Professor
Mrs Naomi Nancy, Assistant Professor
Mrs Helan Priscilla, Tutor

Contact Us
Mrs Regina Xavier
Head of the Unit
Medical Surgical Nursing Specialty I