1. Students are permitted with CMC ID Card.
  2. Absolute SILENCE should be maintained in the library.
  3. Library users should dress modestly and long hair must be tied up.
  4. Members are allowed to take only note books or papers with a writing pad if required.
  5. Taking refreshments, sleeping and smoking are prohibited inside the library.
  6. Files / Personal books / magazines / any printed books / bags and other things should not be taken inside.  These should be kept on the property counter (rack) before entering through the circulation counter.
  7. The search should be made for book & journals without upsetting the order of arrangement.
  8. Members can browse the books and journals by themselves (open access system is followed).
  9. Transferring books, journals and thesis from one section to another is not allowed.
  10. After use, the books, bound journals and thesis should be kept either on Table or Trolley for replacement purpose.
  11. Mobile Phones should be kept in silent mode. Taking photos from Book & Journal are prohibited.
  12. The Circulation Counter shall be closed half an hour prior to the library closing hours.