The College of Nursing is actively involved in providing outreach services to the community through various activities and programs. The Community Health Nursing department of College of Nursing which is a nurse led community based program provides health services and other social services to the community.
There was a steady increase in the number of elderly people seeking health services at CONCH clinics, and it was also noticed that many of the elderly live alone or abandoned by their families. In order to cater to the needs of this vulnerable population, a geriatric club was first initiated in Puttuthakku village in 2004 with only 4 members attending the club. Now the club caters to 30-35 elderly every day.
Objectives of the geriatric club:
- To support the health of the elderly by preventing and early identification of illness.
- To assist the elderly in maintenance of their health.
- To minimize social isolation and improve socialization among the members of the club
- To improve the quality of life of the elderly attending the geriatric club
- To impart health information to the families through the elderly.
Activities of the geriatric clubs:
The elderly start their day with prayer and do some active exercises. The newspaper is read to them by a volunteer and they discuss about various political and social issues of the community. They play traditional games like snake and ladder, Ludo, board games, carom board, etc. Health education is given regarding prevention of fall, active and passive exercises, chronic illness and at 12 noon they are served with some healthy snacks and sent to their houses.
The geriatric club functions from Monday to Friday. A geriatric clinic is conducted once a month, health screening is done for all the elderly and they are treated for minor ailments

As part of women empowerment project, tailoring programme for the women in the villages were conducted for a period of six months since September 2006 along with a non-Governmental Organization named Nehru Yuva Kendra. Approximately 200 women have been trained in around 8 villages and some are continuing to do the tailoring for family needs and some as income generating activity.
The women are also trained in specific skills which will help them to improve their economic status and thereby improving their quality of life. They are trained in skills like fabric painting, fabric tie and dye, soapmaking and jewelry making. These skills have helped the women in improving their economic status, and the SHG’s are actively involved in making the products and marketing them in and outside the country. Ongoing skill training programmes are conducted for SHG women at periodic intervals, and they are empowered to market their products through specific outlets.

Youth Clubs
Youth clubs are conducted periodically in CONCH villages. The youth are gathered in the community hall and they have recreational activities followed by health education on topics relevant to them like prevention of substance abuse, smoking cessation, sex education and they are motivated to participate in blood donation camps and health awareness camps. First Aid training programmes are also conducted for the youth in the village to train them to provide first aid during emergencies.

Health camps are organized in the villages in collaboration with team from Ophthalmology, ENT, Child Health, Dermatology, Dental, General Medicine and Endocrinology. The camps are conducted in a common place in the village. After triage, the clients are seen by specific unit doctors according to their need. Prescriptions and medications are given at the camp. Clients who need further follow-up are referred to CMC for investigations and treatment. These patients are followed up at their homes by the area nurse.