Dr. Manoranjitham. S

DepartmentDepartmentMental Health Nursing
Email IdEmail Idmanoranjitham@cmcvellore.ac.in
QUALIFICATIONMSc. Nursing, Ph.D. in Psychiatric Nursing
  1. Anna Jacob Prize for the Best Student in Clinical practice in the final year in B.Sc. Degree.(1986)
  2. Norris prize in Community health Nursing (first rank) for Degree Students.(1986)
  3. Third rank in Clinical Nursing in M.Sc. Nursing.(1993)

Mental and Health Nursing

Nursing Research

RESEARCH (Interest& Ongoing)Mental and Health Nursing
  1. Gnanapragasam A. Manoranjitham S,Sebastian T, "Quality of Sleep among the Primary Care Givers of Patients with Schizophrenia" .IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), vol. 8, no.02, 2019, pp. 40-45.
  2. Jane R. von Gaudecker, Noreen Agbapuonwu, O'Brien Kyololo, Manoranjitham Sathyaseelan, Ukamaka Oruche. Barriers and facilitators to treatment seeking behaviors for depression, epilepsy, and schizophrenia in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Volume 41, 2022, Pages 11-19, ISSN 0883-9417, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2022.07.006
  3. Gnanapragasam A, Paul D, Sebastian J, Sathiyaseelan M. Nursing management of patients with Psychiatric emergencies. Indian J Cont Nsg Edn 2021;22:80-92
  4. Aruna G, Priyadharshini J J, Manoranjitham S. Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Int J Nurs Med Invest. 2021; 6(4): 55-57.
  5. Aruna G., Angel B.E., Johnson S.L., Arun R., Manoranjitham S (2017), “A case report on Nursing Management of burn injury in a chronic mentally ill in a psychiatric hospital” Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council Journal of Mental Health Nurses, Vol (2), July – December.
  6. Deepa S., S.D., P. Samuel., Jacob.K.S., (2017), Explanatory models and distress in primary care givers of patients with acute psychotic presentations; A study from south India. July 31
  7. J., Manoranjitham.S., (2016). Knowledge and Attitude on Electro Convulsive Therapy among Primary care givers, ISOR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. 5(4), Pp 1-5.
  8. Paul P.K., S. (2016). Anxiety among Primary Care Givers of Patients with Mental Disorders, ISOR Journal of Nursing and Health Science. 5(4), Pp 1-5. July-Aug
  9. B.,Manoranjitham.S., (2016) Medication Non-Compliance: A predictor for relapse in Psychosis, International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2(1), Pp 94-97
  10. B., Manoranjitham.S., (2016) Clinical Significance of Insight in Psychosis, International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing.  2(1), Pp 113-116
  11. B., Manoranjitham.S., (2016) Stressful events and Coping strategies among patients with relapse in psychosis: A pilot study report, International Journal of Practical Nursing.  2(2), Pp 45-50
  12. B., Manoranjitham.S., (2016) Insight and Attitude towards drug intake: Risk factor  for relapse in Psychosis, Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research.  6(3), Pp 348-352
  13. Manoranjitham, S. (2015). Research Instrument. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, July-December, 16(2).
  14. Johnson,S.L &Manoranjitham,S. (2015). Alcohol Withdrawal: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, Jan-June, 2015, 16(1).
  15. B, &Manoranjitham.S (2015). Relapse prevention Guidelines for Psychosis. International Journal of Psychiatric nursing, 1(1): 94-98
  16. B, &Manoranjitham.S. (2015). “Relapse in Psychosis” International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 1(1): 202-206
  17. Johnson,S.L., Manoranjitham,S., H.S., Jacob.K.S.(2014). Predictors of diability: Cohort study of first episode schizophrenia, Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
  18. Paul,P.K., S (2014). Depressive symptoms among Primary Caregivers of Patients with Mental Disorders: A Pilot Study, Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 15 (2), July-December
  19. Johnson,S.L., Manoranjitham,S.,H.S., Jacob.K.S.(2013). Predictors of insight in first episode of schizophrenia: A 5 pear cohort study from India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.
  20. Manoranjitham, S., RajKumar A.P., Thangadurai.P., Prasad,J., Jayakaran.R., K.S.Jacob. (2010)“Risk Factors for Suicide in rural South India”, British Journal of Psychiatry. 196:2 6 – 30
  21. D. Manoranjitham,A.P.Rajkumar,K.S.Jacob.“Risk factors for Suicide”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2010: 196–415-6
  22. Sheeba Chandy, Roginasavamimuthu, S. (2008). “Munchausen Syndrome And Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy: syndromes in need of recognition“Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, (9).
  23. L.,Manoranjitham.S., Ezhilarasu.P, Jacob.K.S. (2007).“Stress, Personality and Adjustment among Nursing Students”. Nurse Education Today,27: 597 – 601
  24. H.S., Manoranjitham.S., Jacob.K.S. (2007)” Stigma And Explanatory Models among People With Schizophrenia And Their Relatives In Vellore, South India International Journal of Social Psychiaty.;53; 325 – 332.
  25. S., Charles.H ,  Saravanan . B, .Jayakaran.R , Abraham .S.,    K . S. Jacob. “Perceptions about Suicide: A Qualitative study From Southern India”. National Medical Journal of India,: 20 (4): 176 -179
  26. Manoranjitham,S., Jacob.K.S. (2007). ” Focus Group Discussion”. Nursing Journal of India, 98 (6), 125-127.
  27. Prakash V, Chandy S, Meerabai, S. (2007). “Infantile Autism”. Nursing Journal of India, 98 (12), 269-270.
  28. S.,Jayakaran.R., Jacob.K.S. (2006). “Suicide in India: The Need For A National Policy”, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (1) : 72.
  29. D., Sathyaseelan.M, Jayakaran.R, Vijayakumar.C, Muthurathna.M.C, Jacob.K.S.” A Bio medical Educational Intervention To Change Explanatory Models Of Psychosis among Community Health Workers in South India”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006 .( 48), 138-142.
  30. S .D .Manoranjitham, RajkumarA.P., Jacob.K.S. (2006). “Suicide in India”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 188: 86.
  31. S, Saravanan. B, Karunakaran .K.P, Manoranjitham . S., Ezhilarasu.P, Jacob.K.S. (2006).“The Effect of a Structured Educational Intervention On Explanatory Models of Relatives of Patients With Schizophrenia A Randomized Controlled Trial”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 188: 286-87.
  32. P., Chady.S., Manoranjitham.S. (2005).Dementia – The Role of Nurse in its recognition and management”. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 16 (2).
  33. S., Abraham.S, Jacob.K.S. (2005).“Towards A National Strategy To Reduce Suicide in India”,National Medical Journal of India. 18 (3): 118-122.
  34. D., SathiyaSeelan. M., Jayakaran.R.,Vijaya Kumar.C., Muthuraman.S., Jacob.K.S. (2003). “Explanatory Models of Psychoses among Community Health Workers in South India”. Acta PsychiatricaScadinavica, 108: 66 – 69.
  35. M, Seema .P., Marker.J., Saravanan.B., EzhilarasuP, Jacob.K.S. (2001).“ Patient Perspectives on Psychosis”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 43(s): 72.
  1. Life member of Trained nurses association of India.
  2. Life member of Nurses league of CMAI, India.
  3. Life member of Nursing research society of India.
  4. Life member of College of nursing alumni association.
  5. Life member of Psychiatric Nurses society, India