Academic Facilities
The College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore is renowned for its contemporary facilities. It houses the Administrative wing wherein the Office of the Dean; deputy and additional deputy deans along with the general office is located. The Office of the Registrar, adjacent to the accountant’s office completes the administrative wing. The College of Nursing spreads over a vast area comprising of lecture halls, classrooms, demonstration, discussion rooms and skill labs. Various department offices including non- nursing are present.
Class Room
The growth of infrastructure is always kept in pace with the academic development of the institution. All classrooms, demonstration rooms, discussion halls, skill labs, are well-furnished and ventilated. Each classroom is planned with enough learning space with comfortable seating arrangements and equipped with facilities like LAN, LCD projectors, slide projector, Film projector, Interactive white and green boards, and sound systems for regular use which enables effective learning. Skill labs are adequately equipped with articles for demonstration and return demonstration. The college is specially enabled with WiFi facility to aid with online teaching and learning. The College facilitates Teleconferencing through specially designed lecture halls.

Simulation Lab
The faculty at CON, CMC Vellore, have a dual role, at the College and in the clinical area. This integration of education and service is a striking model unique to CON, CMC, Vellore. This enables effective translation of theory into nursing practice to the advantage of nursing students and promotes consistency in learning. Under the eminent guidance of the faculty, tutors and charge nurses, nursing students gain hands-on experience on basic and advanced nursing skills. Nursing students are engaged in clinical teachings, Nursing rounds, Bed side clinics, demonstration and return-demonstrations and problem based learning at the clinical area.The performance of each student is closely monitored by the faculty with periodic clinical appraisals, and end of posting OSCEs assists in evaluation of clinical learning.The Advanced Nursing skills simulation lab was made possible through the ASHA Grant. The lab simulates a hospital and community experience with the help of high and low fidelity simulation mannequins enabling the students to acquire and practice clinical skills and critical thinking.

Library is a blended academic and social space where users are empowered to connect with information, communication, technology and each other. The Florence Taylor Memorial Library of the College of Nursing, CMC is a state-of-the-art facility and is known to be one of the largest nursing libraries in India. An empty land was broken on 15th September 2009 to lay the Corner Stone for the library by Mr. Andrew T. Simkin, the Consul General of the US of America, Chennai. The beautiful, elegant library building was completed and inaugurated on 11th March 2011 by Mr. P.W.C Davidar IAS.
The library is built in a 10,132.06 Sq. ft area with 3 floors of knowledge and capacitance which can accommodate about 327 beneficiaries at any given time. The library is fully furnished with table, chairs, wooden racks, journal display racks, notice boards and cupboards. The FTM library possess 10,708 books, 3969 bound journals, 1280 thesis which makes a total of 15,957 of resources and a good upgraded collection of e- resources including 19 e-books. This modern library is also equipped with latest technologies like RFID, WIFI and CCTV Cameras.
The FTM library caters to the needs of the modern generation with a well-established air- conditioned computer lab with LCD projector. The lab houses 35 technologically advanced desktops with internet connection making it the favorite hangout spot for the enthusiastic vibrant learners.